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Cuanto ms grave sea la lesin de un militar, ms propenso es a contraer una amplia variedad de afecciones mdicas crnicas, como hipertensin, diabetes, enfermedad renal crnica y endurecimiento de las arterias, seal en un comunicado de prensa de la Asociacin Americana del Corazn American Heart Association el autor lder del estudio, el comandante Ian Stewart, investigador del Centro Mdico David Grant de la Base de las Fuerzas Areas Travis, en California.

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Glimepiride, a novel sulfonylurea, does not abolish myocardial protection afforded by either ischemic preconditioning or diazoxide.

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Markedly elevated levels of interferon IFNgamma, IFNalpha, interleukin IL2, IL10, and tumor necrosis factoralpha associated with fatal Ebola virus infection.

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Increased Mortality and Cardiovascular Morbidity Associated with Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in Chronic Heart Failure".

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37 Trials found that ranolazine could potentially prolong the QTc interval by 2 msec to 6 msec; however, evidence was limited that QTc prolongation caused TdP.

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